Thursday, August 29, 2013

3 Months

Violet you are 3 months old!


Sometimes it feels like we blinked and it's been 3 months and sometimes it feels like we've had you forever.

Last month your doctor said you were doing so well that you could skip this month's visit so we don't have exact measurements on you. We estimate that you weigh about 13 1/2 pounds.

Bundled up for a morning walk in August...what the heck!?!
 This month you have really started talking to us. Your voice is the sweetest sound ever! Sometimes you just lay there and coo and smile and talk and it is just so sweet:) I have a video but cannot figure out for the life of me how to load it...

 You're trying to grab onto things a little more. We've been trying to get you to hold onto the rings on your play gym but mostly you hold onto us which is ok too:)

You've also been really good at following people with your eyes and turning your head to see what's going on. We can tell that you are very interested in what's going on around you and experiencing new sights and sounds.

My Smiley Girl:)
 You are also starting to suck on your hands more and more. You have really taken to a pacifier this past month and when you don't have it you put those hands right up to your mouth. I have a feeling we might have a thumb sucker one day...

Tummy time is still a no go:( We keep trying and you keep crying. One day I was able to distract you for about five minutes but as soon as you realized you were on your belly, the tears turned on.

Last weekend you got to go on your first ever vacation! I'll write about that in a separate post but you did so much better than I expected and I think you are going to love to travel just like Mommy and Daddy!

On a side note, I have been saying for a while that Violet says "momma" when she cries and Steve denies that this happens. When we were on our trip she did this in front of all her grandparents and they all heard it so I'm going to go ahead and record that as a three month milestone:)

You are still sleeping really well. Usually about 7 hours average and every once in a while we get a 9 hour night. We are so blessed that you are a good sleeper right now!

Life is so much sweeter with you in it and we are so honored that we get to be your parents. It's not always easy but it's sooo worth the effort! 

I can't hardly even remember that little 1 month old already!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Violet had a busy weekend!

She got to meet some new friends, go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and go to the zoo for the 2nd time:)

This picture is actually from her first zoo trip last week. Most of you probably already saw this on Facebook but before this trip, the last time I was at the zoo was the day I found out I was pregnant. And this next trip I got to finally bring our daughter with me. It was a wonderful realization to have while I was there...

 She also got some really cute gifts...

Some new reading material...

a My Pal cute is this!

And I still can not get over the cuteness of this next one...
This has to be the most PRECIOUS piece of jewelry I've ever seen.
 She's already got her bling going on... my grandma would be proud:)
She loves all her new gifts and says Thank You very much!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Part 1: The Old Black Dress

I promised that I wouldn't let myself go. That lasted approximately 1 minute and then got thrown out the window. I barely have time to pee much less take a shower or, perish the thought, get a haircut.

A couple weeks ago I needed to leave the house to go to the funeral home. I was able to take a shower and gain a slight resemblance of myself  pre-baby.  I pulled out an old black cotton dress that I have had for six years in the hopes it would fit over my post-baby body.

It would have to do.

I get in the car to make a quick stop at the grocery on my way when I fold down the mirror to put on a quick layer of lip gloss. I may or may not have startled myself when I saw my unruly eyebrows in the mirror.  Feeling defeated, I make my way to the store.

I park the car and get out and this is when the miracle happened.

A little girl in the car next to me, with her window cracked, says: "oooh, pretty dress!".

I spin around to see if she could possibly be talking about me. She was.

God had sent me an angel that day.

I carry the sound of that little girl with me and hope that my daughter never sees the unshowered, unplucked, unmade-up mom.

I hope that she only sees the pretty dress and knows that she is loved because I spent the whole day rocking her so she'd feel better.

I hope I see that this is all that matters.

I read an article about a mom who talks about how she is always the one behind the camera and challenges other mothers to "get in the picture". I realize how quickly I became the mom who didn't want to be in the picture. If you want to know why, reread the above post...

There was one other thing that I loved in that article. It said:

"I may not be perfect but, I am perfectly her mother".

I couldn't had said that any better myself.

I have had to let so much of myself go just to get Violet here. I suppose that won't change now that she is.

So, I apologize to those around me who have to endure the messy house, my unbrushed hair and teeth, my only three outfits that I have on a rotation because they are all that fit.

The unfinished blog post....

My daughter just woke up.

I have to go...