Violet you are 6 months (and 1 week) old!
This had been a BIG month for you! We have so many things to share:)
17 pounds 12 ounces
27 1/2" long
80th percentile weight
95th percentile height
You wear size 3 diapers and 9 month clothes
To start off, last month was not your best time:( You were pretty miserable for most of the time and we didn't know what was going on so we called the doctor and asked if we could come in to just to touch base and she ended up prescribing you Zantac for acid reflux. You've been on it for a month now and we can tell a WORLD of difference! You are so much more comfortable now and such a happy baby:) Thank goodness that's all it took!
A BIG milestone we hit this month was you sleeping in your crib! You've slept in a Rock N Play since you were born. Several of our friends swore by this so we registered for it and had you sleeping through the night by about 6 weeks. That has been a HUGE blessing to have a baby that sleeps! We were so nervous to switch you to the crib but you were just too big to be in the Rock N Play anymore so we bit the bullet and went for it.
The Rock N Play is folded up sadly in the corner behind your crib. Our little baby is growing up! |
We were pleasantly surprised when you continued to sleep all night in the crib:) Now you take all your naps in there too and you have learned to put yourself to sleep!
Playing all day is hard work! |
You've also had more cereal this month. We originally tried just Rice Cereal but it doesn't seem to set to well on your tummy so we switched to Oatmeal Cereal and you seem to do pretty well with it.
You're trying to grab Mommy's hand to shovel it in faster! |
We visited with alot of our family and friends this month. You seem to get stressed out in groups sometimes but you've progressively gotten better and by the end of this month you did great!
Visiting with Grandpa Jack, Aunties Phyllis and Trish and Cousin Lucas |
Snuggling with Papau and Grampy |
Since you've started the Zantac you are doing a little better on your tummy but you still don't like it. We're also trying to work on you sitting up more in your exersaucer and bumbo.
We have to squeeze those thighs in the bumbo and it takes two of us to get you out. Poor thing has her momma's thighs! |
You grab things pretty well and you have really gotten the hang of handling your pacifier all by yourself. Half the time I can't put it in your mouth anymore. You only take it if you do it yourself:)
See Mommy, I can do it! |
Our little cowgirl, representing for her Auntie Beth.. |
Waiting to love on Auntie Hannah when she got home from work... |
Looking cute with Mommy and Daddy... |
And finally, Thanksgiving Day was your six month birthday. I can't believe your half way to 1 year old! I'm so excited for all the new things you'll do but today I'm glad you're still my baby.
The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.
The end of a long day... |
With Cousin Jameson |
❤ the update and all the pictures!!! She is just the cutest!