Violet you are 10 Months old!
You are about 21 pounds and are wearing 12 month clothes and still holding strong in size 3 diapers.
Wearing Grandma Lannan's pearls... |
I can't tell that you've grown that much in size from last month but who knows...:)
You do seem older though! You are talking so much this month. You say:
Bye Bye
It's basically the same things from last month but you say them so much more now!
I've also been teaching you to sign "Milk" and you do it sometimes.
You "talk" all the time and even sing with us or the radio. You still blow raspberries and sometimes you yell realllly loud when you want someones attention. Your lungs are definitely healthy!
Right at the beginning of this month Mommy and Daddy left you at home with your grandparents while we went to St. Croix for a work trip for Daddy. It was so hard to leave you but you did so good! We're so blessed that we had the opportunity to take this trip and that we had great people here to take care of you.
You've become a pro at eating puffs this month. We've tried to give them to you last month and you would always choke on them but now you love them! Soon you'll be eating all kinds of finger foods.
We've been able to give you different baby food as well. You still favor Sweet Potatoes and Pears. Green Beans used to be a favorite but it seems they upset your stomach sometimes now so we go with Garden Vegetables more instead.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! |
We finally had a nice day and went to the zoo with our neighbors. You had your first carousel ride and your first time on the swings. You loved all of it! I can't wait to spend the summer there and see all the fun we're gonna have:)
at the Zoo... |
Your biggest news this month is that you are finally getting a tooth! There is no way you'll let me get a picture of it either:) It's your bottom left front tooth and you have been working so hard on it. Bless your heart you have been so fussy with this tooth and I can't wait until it's finally all the way in. I hope it's not like this with all your teeth!
Visiting with Grandpa and Aunt Trish |
SomeBunny is awfully precious:) |
And it's that time of year again to start our fundraising for Team
Yager for the March for Babies in honor of Lila and Cole. If you would
like to walk with us or donate to our team, you can click on the link
Thanks in Advance!